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Showing posts from March, 2017

What's new in MySQL 5.7

What's new in MySQL 5.7:          Configuration Changes          System Table Changes          Server Changes          InnoDB Changes          SQL Changes Configuration Changes: 1.      The information_schema has table’s that contains system and status variables (Global Variables and Session Variables). As of MySQL 5.7.6 the performance_schema also contains same tables, those are actually intended to replace in information_schema which are deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.6, and will be removed in future releases. 2.      As of MySQL 5.7.6 mysqld_safe is no longer installed on Linux systems on which MySQL installed using RPM packages, the server startup and shutdown will be managed by using the system d service. 3.      As of MySQL 5.7.6 and later mysql_install_db is moved from scripts folder to bin folder and scripts directory will no longer present. 4.      Strict SQL mode for transactional storage engine (InnoDB) – (STRICT_TRANS_TABLES) is enabl

Migrating from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6

Import of a MySQL 5.5 dump followed by the  mysql_upgrade  command while GTIDs are enabled causes troubles with some MySQL 5.6 releases. Do the upgrade with  --gtid-mode=0  and enable it later on. Some  default values have changed : The most important one is  innodb_file_per_table = 1 . Some old variables and some deprecated commands have been removed. So test carefully! The  Query Cache  is disabled by default in 5.6. Change to the previous behavior by setting  query_cache_type=1  in  my.cnf 8 new reserved key words have been defined. The most important ones are  get  and  partition . Implicit  GROUP BY  sorting in  MySQL 5.6  is deprecated. When upgrading a master-slave setup from 5.5 to 5.6 without downtime, take care: MySQL 5.6 (by default) writes checksums into the binary log which MySQL 5.5 does not understand, so the 5.5 IO slave reports an error and replication stops. It’s because of this:              "It's because of binlog_checksum = crc32 set to de